When considering a painter or painting company for your next interior painting project, it is important to consider aspects such as reputation, experiences, reviews and examples of work.
With that said, we also understand with many homeowners price is another element to consider.
So let’s dive into a quick rundown on approximate costs you can expect to pay for a quality painting company to complete your next interior painting project in Bend, Oregon and surrounding areas.
As with any painting project, the scope of work can adjust pricing up or down depending on the amount of prep work required, ease of access for walls, ceilings, trim and or doors etc.
Will the furniture be moved and wall fixtures removed prior to your painting company arriving?
Things such as having a free and clear space to work reduces the amount of labor involved to you as a homeowner if possible in advance to your painting company arriving.
For the average residential home to be painted here are some prices that are typical to expect:
Just walls being repainted - $4 - 6,000
Walls and ceilings one color - $5 - 7,000
Walls and ceilings with separate colors - $6 - $10,000
Trim, Doors, Walls & Ceilings - $12,000 - $20,000
Trim and doors although not as much space to paint, is time consuming due to the intricacies and detail involved, sometimes the prep is even greater than walls or ceilings with cleaning, caulking, sanding etc so often times this can even double the cost of your project.
With that said, having a full interior repaint with trim and doors ensures you have a fresh and clean new living space and we have had many happy clients who rave about the finished product of doing a full interior repaint.
It is important to ensure the scope of work and payment terms are defined and clear with your painter or painting company, as this reduces the chances of ambiguity with the project or unsatisfactory results.
After all, when you’re paying your hard earned money as a homeowner to a painting contractor, who wouldn’t want anything less than a quality finish?
If you found this article helpful, and are interested in an interior painting quote for your next project, send us a message on our “contact us” or “get quote” sections of our site, and we are happy to provide a virtual or in person consultation and proposal.
Thanks for visiting, and we look forward to working with you.
Owner - Three Rivers Painting