Book our exterior painting services in Sunriver, Bend, OR and the surrounding areas

Show Some Love to Your Exterior

The exterior of your home is what guests and neighbors notice first about your property. And in order to make a good impression, you want it to look its best. We can help you out with that. Three Rivers Painting offers exterior painting services for homeowners in Sunriver, Bend, OR and the surrounding areas. We'll clean the surface we're painting, prime the material and then get to painting with the color of your choice.

We're proud to offer a variety of painting packages that accommodate different budgets. Ask about the warranties that come with our residential exterior painting service when you get in touch with us today.

Take your space to the next level

A fresh coat of paint has the ability to transform an ordinary space into an extraordinary one. Our exterior painting services have been known to:

  • Increase a home's property value
  • Create a beautiful, modern look
  • Increase the life span of siding

No matter if you want your siding painted, or your deck or porched stained, we'll get the job done to your satisfaction. Call 207-838-1895 now to schedule a free virtual consultation for our residential exterior painting services.